British vs. American Pudding: A Point-by-Point Comparison

Pudding is a beloved dessert in both the United Kingdom and the United States, yet the word pudding can refer to quite different sweet treats depending on where you’re from. From ingredients to textures and brand favourites, here’s a closer look at how British and American puddings compare. Definition and...

By Alix Attaway Read more
Interesting Ways in Which Custard Can Benefit Your Health

Did you know that custard powder was a creation of love? When Alfred Bird discovered that his beloved wife could not enjoy traditional custard because she suffered from an egg allergy, he made the custard powder. He created a mixture of cornstarch and some flavourings as a substitute for eggs....

By Alix Attaway Read more
Crumble: The Flavourful Comforting Desert

Like its name, crumble is a crumbly desert that is often paired with a cream, custard or ice-cream. At times, it is also used with savoury foods like cheese or meat. It is made from basic ingredients like flour, sugar and butter. Despite its humble ingredients, it tastes delicious and...

By Alix Attaway Read more
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