Setting the Scene for Christmas: UK vs. US Tableware Traditions Explained

Christmas is a time of joy, celebration, and, of course, beautifully set tables filled with festive cheer. While both the UK and the US go all out with their holiday decor, there are distinct differences in how they approach Christmas tableware and decorations. From traditional influences to modern trends, let’s...

By Alix Attaway Read more
Guide to Baking and Enjoying Cakes

Cakes have been around us for centuries. While the Egyptians take the credit for laying its foundations when they added dried fruits, honey and nuts to their bread, the recipe has certainly evolved and changed overtime as people added their own touch to it. Initially cakes were a symbol of...

By Alix Attaway Read more
The Irresistible Chocolate Sponge Cake

One of the most loved baked items – they are light, airy, come in a variety of flavours and can be enjoyed whenever you want. Cakes are usually made with flour, butter, eggs, sugar and a leavening agent – when these ingredients are adjusted in various ratios and baked at...

By Alix Attaway Read more
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