The Key Differences Between British and American Beans

Beans are a dietary staple across the world, but the way they are prepared and consumed varies greatly between countries. In Britain and America, beans hold different cultural significance, are used in distinct ways, and are even cooked differently. In this article, we’ll explore the key differences between British and...

By Alix Attaway Read more
The Classic British Ploughman's Lunch: Building the Perfect Plate

The Ploughman's Lunch is a cold English meal traditionally comprised of bread, cheese, and an apple. As the name says, it was a lunch meal, and today, there are many more food items added to it, such as scotch eggs, pork pies, chutneys, salads, cold cuts, and more. History of...

By Alix Attaway Read more
The Delight of British Shortbread: A Guide to Buttery Goodness

For the British, shortbread has a profound cultural and sentimental significance. It represents a connection to history and heritage as a prized delicacy with centuries-old origins. Its presence at festive occasions like Christmas and Hogmanay strengthens its significance as a symbol of community and tradition. Additionally, the buttery richness and...

By Alix Attaway Read more
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