A Sweet Comparison of European and American Jam and Preserves

What better way to enjoy fruits throughout the year than to have them in the form of jams and preserves! Some may like them sweet in the form of jams while others may prefer having them in their more natural form, through preserves; but each one of us loves them. They...

By Alix Attaway Read more
British Marmalade: Recipes and Pairings for a Tangy Spread

The flamboyant and glowing orange marmalade holds a special place in the hearts of the British. Its tangy and citrusy flavour, which comes from Seville oranges from which it has been made, leaves a lingering taste. Marmalade has long been a staple on British breakfast tables. The people have always...

By Alix Attaway Read more
Savouring British Jams and Preserves: From Strawberry to Blackcurrant

Jam is a sweet memory for most of us, where we remember toppling a large spoon of it on our toast, scones, or other goodies. Fruits have a smaller shelf-life, and jams and preserves were a perfect way to prevent them from going to waste. Jams have been prepared and...

By Alix Attaway Read more
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