British vs American Curry Sauce: The Surprising Truth You Didn’t Know!

Curry sauces are a staple in kitchens around the world, but their characteristics vary greatly depending on where they’re made. In Britain, curry sauce is a beloved part of the culinary landscape, deeply influenced by history and tradition. Meanwhile, American curry sauces take a more eclectic approach, borrowing from multiple...

By Alix Attaway Read more
Interesting Ways in Which Custard Can Benefit Your Health

Did you know that custard powder was a creation of love? When Alfred Bird discovered that his beloved wife could not enjoy traditional custard because she suffered from an egg allergy, he made the custard powder. He created a mixture of cornstarch and some flavourings as a substitute for eggs....

By Alix Attaway Read more
Evolution of Custard: Classic Beginnings to Worldwide Delight

People in Britain and in other parts of the world have enjoyed custard for dessert or simply to satisfy their sweet cravings. What began as a simple mixture of egg and cream has now evolved to become a delicious treat that is enjoyed in a variety of flavours, in different...

By Alix Attaway Read more
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