The Richness of British Clotted Cream: Serving and Enjoying with Scones

Clotted cream is the best of the two most important dairy ingredients – butter and cream. It is an amalgamation of what we can say is the creaminess of whipped cream and the rich texture and taste of butter. It is a thick and luxurious cream that melts in your...

By Alix Attaway Read more
British Breakfast Meats: Uncovering the Best Sausages and Bacon

Despite the morning rush, the British love to savour a hearty breakfast often comprised of mugs of steaming tea or coffee to warm hands, freshly baked bread, and sizzling bacon and sausages. This lovely plate brings a sense of comfort to the morning routine. The British love their meats and...

By Alix Attaway Read more
Unveiling the Flavours of British Treacle: Recipes and Uses in Sweet Treats

Treacle is a rich and dark sweet syrup that holds a special place in British culinary traditions. With its luscious, velvety texture and distinctive molasses flavour, it has been a beloved ingredient in various sweet treats for centuries. Let us discover the different types of treacle, their historical significance, and...

By Alix Attaway Read more
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