British Flour vs American Flour: Understanding the Differences for Baking

Baking relies heavily on flour, but not all flours are made equal. Beyond branding, British and American flour varies in how they behave in baking due to variances in wheat types, protein content, milling methods, and legal requirements. This article examines the main differences between American and British flour. Let's...

By Alix Attaway Read more
The Distinct Traditions of Black Pudding and Blood Sausage

Black pudding is often heralded as a quintessential component of the British and Irish breakfast. Yet, it remains something of a culinary curiosity outside the British Isles. Across the Atlantic, American versions of this savoury treat, colloquially referred to as blood sausages, differ in terms of ingredients, preparation, and cultural...

By Alix Attaway Read more
The Key Differences Between British and American Beans

Beans are a dietary staple across the world, but the way they are prepared and consumed varies greatly between countries. In Britain and America, beans hold different cultural significance, are used in distinct ways, and are even cooked differently. In this article, we’ll explore the key differences between British and...

By Alix Attaway Read more
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