British Breakfast Meats: Uncovering the Best Sausages and Bacon

Despite the morning rush, the British love to savour a hearty breakfast often comprised of mugs of steaming tea or coffee to warm hands, freshly baked bread, and sizzling bacon and sausages. This lovely plate brings a sense of comfort to the morning routine. The British love their meats and...

By Alix Attaway Read more
The Great British Roast: Mastering the Art of the Sunday Roast

Nothing finishes the weekend like a significant home-cooked Sunday roast shared with family and friends in a warm, cozy setting. The traditional Great British roast Beef Dinner is delicious and indulgent! The roast is an old-fashioned traditional dish typically served on Sunday as a late lunch or early dinner. It's...

By Alix Attaway Read more
Scotch Egg Perfection: Tips for Making the Ultimate Picnic Snack

Scotch eggs are a traditional British dish that comprises of boiled eggs (shells removed) wrapped in sausage meat, wrapped in breadcrumbs, and then deep-fried. It is quite a popular dish in the pubs and commonly packed for picnics. The British like to savour it cold. It is also easily available...

By Alix Attaway Read more
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