We are all aware of the famous expression – 'I need my beauty sleep'. Why do you think the term beauty is used along with sleep? Is there a connection between sleep and good skin? Does sleep deprivation cause problems for our skin or impact our appearance?

There are many studies that reveal how depriving ourselves of sleep can negatively impact our eyes, skin and even cause weight gain. Our body produces a special growth hormone known as Human Growth Hormone (HGH), which helps repair the broken cells throughout our body, including the skin cells. Even if we lose sleep for a couple of days, our face and skin will instantly look tired and worn out.

Importance of Sleep for Skin

Importance of Sleep for Skin

Good sleep is critical to the skin's appearance and health, thanks to HGH's role in producing collagen, the protein that delays wrinkles by maintaining the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Research shows that sleep deprivation interferes with collagen production and can weaken the integrity of the skin. As HGH plays an important role in the production of collagen - a protein that prevents wrinkles by keeping skin elastic and firm- getting enough sleep is essential for skin's beauty and health. Studies indicate that insufficient sleep disrupts collagen synthesis and may compromise the skin's structural integrity.

Sleeping strengthens your skin as your skin acts as a barrier to shield you from harmful substances like bacteria, sunlight, high humidity, and pollutants. Skin cells tend to generate rapidly at night as the blood flows in more. Skin cell regeneration also produces collagen, the protein that keeps skin supple and plump.

Role of Beauty Sleep Tea

Role of Beauty Sleep Tea

Before bed is a good time not just to apply skincare products but also to drink beauty sleep tea. This will allow you to sleep better, thereby encouraging the HGH production and repairing of your skin cells. Beauty sleep teas don't just help you sleep but also boost the process of skin repair. It gives your skin an opportunity to recuperate, repair itself, and get ready for a new day while you sleep.

Some Beauty Sleep Tea Herbs

Many natural herbs can be taken as beauty sleep tea. Each ingredient offers some unique benefit, and some of them have been listed below:

Hibiscus Tea

Skincare experts swear by hibiscus tea because of its lengthy history in wellness. Hibiscus tea's constituents help in skin suppleness, and its high vitamin C content encourages collagen formation. Alpha hydroxy acids found in hibiscus naturally eliminate dead skin cells and aid in restoring your skin's natural radiance. Hibiscus tea is so effective in preventing aging that it has been named as nature’s botox.

Calendula Tea

Calendula is a common addition to cosmetics products and is also frequently consumed as a herbal tea. Some research shows calendula may help prevent wrinkles and many other indications of aging by improving skin suppleness and hydrating your skin. Calendula also has antibacterial and antifungal properties that help mend damaged skin cells and prevent skin infections.

Spearmint Tea

Spearmint Tea

Spearmint tea is great for people who suffer from hormonal acne. The anti-androgenic effect of this herb may address the excessive release of hormones, particularly testosterone, which clogs pores and produces excess sebum as a contributing factor to hormonal acne. Spearmint targets skin germs directly and has the strongest anti-inflammatory properties compared to other mint forms. It also lowers oil production and helps promote cleaner skin.

Nettle Tea

Sometimes also referred to as stinging nettle – this herb is high in minerals like zinc and magnesium that assist in building hair follicles, as well as vitamins A and B that support cell growth. In addition to boosting blood flow, which encourages hair development, nettle tea prevents DHT production, a hormone that causes hair to thin and shed. Nettle tea is an excellent tea for stronger, fuller hair and should be used for beauty sleep tea.

Chamomile Tea

The antioxidants present in chamomile tea offer anti-inflammatory properties. It helps lower pain and swelling in the body, minimizes inflammation in the face, and helps with puffy eyes. Have a cup of chamomile tea and wake up to fresh and rejuvenated skin.

Rose Tea

We already know the good effects of rose water and other rose products on our face and body. Consuming rose tea can offer even more benefits to the skin. Rose petal tea is high in antioxidants and prevents the formation of free radicals in the body. They also help lower inflammation in the body, reducing swelling in the face and helping with redness. Rosehip is high in antioxidants and offers Vitamins C and E that keeps the skin moisturized and boosts cell longevity.

Green Tea

Green Tea

Green tea is a popular choice among beauty teas because of its many health advantages for both the body and the mind. Green tea's antioxidants fight UVA ray damage and wrinkles, while vitamin K reduces hyperpigmentation.

Cinnamon Tea

Consuming cinnamon tea can help reduce dark circles, acne scars, and skin imperfections by acting as a skin-lightening agent. Additionally, cinnamon can improve blood flow, which promotes skin repair. Cinnamon tea has antifungal and antibacterial qualities, making it a useful remedy for acne scarring and markings after acne healing.

Rooibos Tea

Rooibos Tea, sometimes referred to as red bush tea, is a naturally caffeine-free herbal beverage from South Africa that promotes strong, lustrous hair. In addition to producing thicker, healthier hair, it is also rich in minerals - zinc, copper, potassium, and calcium which effectively help prevent dandruff and hair loss caused by it.